Visiting Mongolia’s Reindeer Herders

High up in the remote mountain ranges of the Eastern Taiga, tucked alongside the border of Russian Siberia, in the northernmost part of Mongolia, live the nomadic Dukha People. Better known as the Tsaatan Reindeer Herders, this unique community has survived for thousands of years by migrating throughout this isolated region. Their lives revolve aroundContinue reading “Visiting Mongolia’s Reindeer Herders”

Deep in the Forest of the Himalayas

When we think of nature reserves we often imagine areas protected from human influence and development. We consider humanity as an invasive species that only knows how to destroy its own ecosystem, yet there are communities worldwide who are integral elements of their environment, living in balance with nature. The Van Gujjars, who live inContinue reading “Deep in the Forest of the Himalayas”

Returning to Nature with the Maasai

Many of us today are so distracted by the chaotic momentum of city life, caught in the traps of technological devices, mindless consumerism, striving for social acceptance and amassing personal wealth, that our intrinsic connection to nature has sadly been all but forgotten. Some struggle day to day just to keep their head above water,Continue reading “Returning to Nature with the Maasai”

Listening to The Land

A Journey to Uluru with Wiruungga Dunggiirr If you decide to visit Australia for a sun filled holiday at the beach then you will surely be welcomed by friendly faces and captivated by the bio-diverse marine life and stunning coastlines. However, if you choose to delve a little deeper inland, immersing yourself in the bushContinue reading “Listening to The Land”

The Stillness of Kalaallit Nunaat

My soft footsteps, attuned to the rhythmic heartbeat of the Earth, gently push through the dense ground cover that graciously blankets the immense landscape of the tundra. With each step, I feel the dewy breath of the land rise up through the crisp morning mist, tenderly warming the souls of my feet.  It is here,Continue reading “The Stillness of Kalaallit Nunaat”

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